K&M Congress Ltd.
PCO and Travel Agency

H-1064 Budapest
Podmaniczky u. 75.
tel: +36(1) 301-2000
fax: +36(1) 301-2001
send a message

Federation of Hungarian Event Organizers
Federation of Hungarian Event Organizers

Association of Hungarian Travel Agents and Tour Operators
Association of Hungarian Travel Agents and Tour Operators

Budapest Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Budapest Chamber of
Industry and Commerce


Please do not hesitate to contact us with your information requests or questions.

K&M Congress Ltd. PCO and Travel Agency

address: 1064 Budapest, Podmaniczky u. 75.

phone: +36(1) 301-2000
fax: +36(1) 301-2001

e-mail: send a message
web: www.kmcongress.com